Just Got Back From My Trip
I know it's been quite a while since my last post ... more then 2 weeks ...eeekk ... it's been a heck of a crazy week after Coconut Island photoshoot. My schedule were so packed, there were fashion show, product launching preps and i am trying to tied loose ends before i took a week off work ( yes ... a week of really does wonders to my soul). During my trip i am doing my best to limit my interaction with my gadgets. Means ... less blackberry, less TV and I only use my Ipad for reading purpose and to catch up with my online course.
But now i am back, looking forward to share more and upgrading the blog :)
Sometimes people thinks that they need to travel to somewhere exotic or far to enjoy a holiday or discover new things that'll excite them, but in this modern era where we're addicted to TV, internet, Ipad, Ipod, and laptop (at least thats me ... ) maybe all you need it to get a day off your gadget ... give it a try on the weekend. Stop checking your Blackberry constantly and just enjoy a good food and good conversation with your family/friends.