An Hour A Day For A More Fabulous Life
Welcome to the era of urban expectations. As a woman, we're expected hv at least a nice body, fabulous high flying career, looked effortless stylish 24/7, while running a happy healthy household. Is it possible?
I said "Yes! ... the possibility is there" but how big the possibility is ... solely depends on you. If you really wanted to. I am not suggesting you to go out and start hiring a bunch of professionals, I simply suggest you to have a better time management.
Try cutting your television and internet time by an hour a day. this extra time can be used to:
2. go swimming - just 30 mins 3 times per week is enough (well it might not make you looked like Jennifer Aniston's, but at least you will feel better about your body and get more energy)
3. or have a quality time with your kids/mom/hubby (it is better then facebook) and this will fill your soul.
Try this for a week or two, and feel the difference. Your stress level will be lower, means you'll crave less, added with that swimming, you'll loose some pounds and feel more fab. Quality times with your family will helped you focus on what really matters in your life :)
*image found here