An Award For This Blog


Last week Rachel from Swell and Stylish nominated me for Liebster Award. 

Liebster Award turnsout to be an award given to a small and up coming blog.  Well … I am a new blogger . Only been actively  blogging for less then a year, and I am so happy that people are starting to notice this blog. This blog is a great way to share. 

So in the spirit of Liebster Award, I also would like to nominate other blogs that truly inspires me too:

1. Chuzai Living 

Kaho truly inspires me big way through her blog. She is a Japanese expatriate who currently lives in the same city with me (Jakarta), and her blog told story about her lifestyle with her American hubby, 2 cute girls and an additional newborn.She shows me Jakarta from a different perspective, and she also shows me that starting a family isn’t as scary. So this blog inspires me to start my blog and starts a new life.  

2. The Passionate Bookworm 

Michelle is an artist and a bookworm like me. I found new and up coming YA novels from her blog and her twitter (@YA_BookWorm07) . We sometimes discuss a book and she connects me to the authors too. I usually browse her blog, before I browse and you should give it a try too. 

3. Happy Interior Blog 

Igor Josif is a sunshine, and his blog is my source to get inspired when it comes to interior designs. This blog made interior designs looked easy and less intimidating, the kind that made you said "phew ... i think i can do that!". enough said, you should see it for yourself :) 

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